As in any art form, there are triumphs and there are disappointments. They can occur at any point in a career, whether you’re just starting out or an established actor. The trick is to keep creating and pushing forward through the low points and not allow yourself to get stuck or give up. I’ve been through it all with actors who were just beginning as well as those who were big film and TV stars. It’s not easy or comfortable wherever you are in your career.

It’s easy to feel great when you’ve just performed well and have been acknowledged and validated as an actor. But when there’s a low point, the invitation to feel untalented and rejected is pretty great. You have to give yourself the opportunity to move through the disappointment and frustration and reset with a new game plan. Not easy, but doable. It becomes a matter of being a good friend to yourself and doing what you would do with someone you cared about. You would remind them of their talent and purpose to act; you’d support them in their effort to carry on and keep creating the work they want to do.

We’re happiest and at our best when we’re productive and overflowing with ideas we can’t wait to develop. As an example, have a look at an area in your acting you would like to improve. Go tackle that and see where it leads you. Creativity breeds creativity—there’s a joy and simplicity in that which can be sustaining. The excitement of focusing on something new can often carry you to a higher level of work than where you were before. The biggest mistake is to stop what you love doing. We’re motivated by our dreams, dream big and thrive!

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