Yesterday I had the privilege of coaching one of the best actors working today, in my opinion. This is someone who always prepares with a lot of care and attention to detail – with everything she does.  She had just completed two films back to back and only had this new script for a couple of days. It was loaded with dialogue and rather demanding character work.


We first talked about the script, her scenes, and her thoughts about the character. Then we began to read her scenes, very simply to just start the process and explore. We did this without imposing any ideas, which allowed her the opportunity to explore without any obligation.


We didn’t rush or push anything and allowed things to surface naturally. A lot of the time things went very well and we made great strides, but other times we had to be patient when it didn’t all come together right away. The key, is not to panic, just continue.


Her instincts were wonderful, but she hadn’t fully committed to, or landed on some of the choices which were now available.  As I pushed her a bit to take a chance – with a thought she’d had about dialect – it led to defining the character. Who she really was and what she wanted.  As the afternoon wore on, it became clear where to go and what to do.


I like to challenge, inspire, and just fan the flame that’s coming from the actor. By my validating their instincts, they find the freedom to be bolder and follow their impulses. Bringing a life and individuality to the character that they can now completely own.


By the end of the day, she felt great about what she was doing with the character and was ready for anything that might come up on set.


There’s a synergy that happens with private coaching and that leads to more creativity and confidence for the actors and re-enforces the choices they’re making.


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