Hugh was feeling a little lost and alone. Giovanna had been in Vancouver shooting a movie for about three weeks and he felt like he was in a holding pattern waiting for her to return. He’d decided to have dinner alone in an upscale restaurant called “Aureole” that had a lot of hip and interesting artistic types frequenting it.

As he sat at his table alone drinking a glass of champagne (it was his third, to be exact), he noticed an attractive young woman being seated at a table next to his. She was beautiful, like Penelope Cruz, very soft and sultry. She wore a Chanel suit and was carrying a bag with the initials ML on it. It reminded him of the William Saroyan play, “The Time of Your Life.”

He couldn’t take his eyes off of her; she was quite striking as she sat there looking at some photographs, not Instagram pictures, but 4” x 6” color photographs. She too was now drinking a glass of champagne.

Feeling the effects of the champagne, he summoned up the nerve to speak to her.

Hugh: Is it Madge – Laubowitz? Mimi Landry?

ML: (Looking up from the photos at him) Is what what?

H: Is the name Mabel Lepescaa?

ML: What name?

H: The name the initials M.L. stand for. The initials on your bag.

ML: No.

H: (After a long pause) Margie Longworthy?

ML: No.

H: Midge Laurie?

ML: ..shakes her head

H: (Feeling the buzz from the champagne) My initials are J.T.

ML: John?

H: No. (Pause) Martha Lancaster?

ML: No. (Slight pause) Joseph?

H: Well, not exactly. That’s my first name, but everybody calls me Joe. The last name is the tough one. I’ll help you a little. I’m Irish. (Pause) Is it just plain Mary?

ML: Yes, it is. I’m Irish, too. At least on my father’s side. English on my mother’s side.

H: I’m Irish on both sides. Mary’s one of my favorite names. I guess that’s why I didn’t think of it. I met a girl in Mexico City named Mary once. She was an American from Philadelphia. She got married there. In Mexico City, I mean. While I was there. We were in love, too. At least I was. You never know about anyone else. They were engaged, you see, and her mother was with her, so they went through with it. Must have been six or seven years ago. She’s probably got three or four children by this time.

ML: Are you still in love with her?

H: Well no. To tell you the truth I’m not sure. I guess I am. I didn’t even know she was engaged until a couple of days before they got married. I thought I was going to marry her.

ML: What do you do?

H: Do? To tell you the truth, nothing.

ML: Do you always drink a great deal?

H: Not always. Only when I’m awake. I sleep seven or eight hours every night, you know.

ML: How nice. I mean to drink when you’re awake.

H: It’s a privilege.

ML: Do you really like to drink?

H: As much as I like to breathe.

ML: What are your plans?

H: Plans? I haven’t got any. I just get up.

ML: Oh, yes. Yes of course.

H: You have children?

ML: Yes. Two. A son and a daughter.

H: How swell. Do they look like you?

ML: Yes.

H: Then why are you sad?

ML: I was always sad. It’s just that after I was married I was allowed to drink.

H: Who are you waiting for?

ML: No one.

H: I’m not waiting for anybody, either.

ML: My husband, of course.

H: Oh, sure.

ML: He’s a lawyer.

H: He’s a great guy. I like him. I’m very fond of him.

ML: Were you ever in Paris?

H: In 2009 and 2012.

ML: What month of 2012?

H: Most of April, all of May, and a little of June.

ML: I was there in November and December that year.

H: We were there almost at the same time. You were married?

ML: Engaged. (They are silent a moment, looking at one another.) Are you really in love with me?

H: Yes.

ML: Is it the champagne?

H: Yes. Partly, at least.

ML: If you don’t see me again, will you be very unhappy?

H: Very.

ML: (Getting up) I’m so pleased.

Hugh is very upset that she’s going. Standing up.

ML: I must go now. Please don’t get up.

H: Standing, looking at her.

ML: Goodbye.

H: Goodbye. (He stands staring after her for a long time.)

ML: (Coming back to the table and sitting next to Hugh) That went pretty well I thought. We skipped a around a lot and dropped a bunch of lines, but it was great to rehearse here. It gave me a lot of new ideas about her.

H: I agree. It’s really painful for him to see her again. He’s still so in love with her.

ML: Do you want to get something to eat? I’m starving. (Noticing something’s wrong) What is it?

H: I want to be doing film acting, not acting in an acting class, in an acting school with other students. I want to be working. Los Angeles is filled with good actors going to acting workshops, but I want to be more than that and I wonder when it’s going to be my time.

ML: You’re on the verge of breaking through. You just did that episode of “Hello Charlie” and they loved you! Don’t do this to yourself. You’re a great actor and so good looking, how can you miss?

H: You’re wonderful. Do you want to make love?

ML: No, Hugh. You’re with Giovanna and I’m starving! Let’s order.

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