Giovanna was making her way through the house decorating every room for Christmas. She had wonderful taste and each area had its own special charm. She and Hugh were hosting the acting class holiday party in their home and every detail had to be perfect.

Hugh was at the theater rehearsing his new play. It was going very well and they hoped to open the beginning of February 2015. He had been re-writing much of the second act and Giovanna had really liked the changes he had made. He was bringing more depth and humor to the scenes and it was exciting to see it take shape. The actors had bonded and they were full on discovering the characters as they were getting the play on its feet.

Around 6 o’clock, the caterer arrived and the team began setting up for the party. Giovanna was getting dressed when Hugh got home. He wasn’t feeling well and thought he might be coming down with something. Giovanna was concerned and brought him something to drink to make him feel better. She looked gorgeous and was hurrying around seeing to all of the last minute details. He thought to himself how lucky he was to be with her. She was beautiful, charming, and supportive. What more could he want?

Lately, Giovanna had been preoccupied. She was preparing for a new film that she was not only starring in, but also co-producing. They were invited, along with another producer, to spend a long weekend in Santa Barbara at the Montecito home of the director who had a spectacular house near the San Ysidro Ranch. At the last minute, Hugh booked a job on a series for a week and couldn’t go, but Giovanna went and returned full of praise for the director and his ideas for the new film. She was absorbed with meetings and rehearsals and he was busy directing and re-writing the play so they barely had time together it seemed. He was hoping they would be able to see each other more over the holidays before they started the New Year, but Giovanna was talking about another working weekend in Santa Barbara.

Hugh showered and changed as all of the acting students from the acting workshop began arriving. He was determined to have a good time regardless of how he felt. Giovanna loved entertaining and he knew everyone would have a great time.

The first to arrive were Jack and Rachel, who were now a couple as a result of working together on apiece they did in scene study class. They stopped and admired a painting above the fireplace and then giggled as they greeted Giovanna.

Sissy arrived with David, Giovanna’s agent, looking as gorgeous and tortured as Kim Basinger did in “9 ½ Weeks.” Lilly, the ballerina from New York City, looked stunning but frail, and found a fast friend in Lucia, Giovanna’s sister who was visiting from Rome.

The place filled rapidly with about 60 acting students and to everyone’s surprise, Mr. B showed up about 10 o’clock. He rarely, if ever, attended the holiday party, but this year he made an exception. He entered with an energy and presence that captured everyone’s attention as he stood surveying the crowd. When he moved through the living room saying hello to people, he appeared to be looking for someone.

He spotted Lilly talking to Barry, one of the actors in the scene study class she had worked with. She felt his eyes on her, and when she looked at him, it was obvious there was a strong attraction between them. Was something going on there? Hugh walked over to give Mr. B a glass of champagne and noticed he was looking at someone across the room. It seemed to be Lilly who he couldn’t take his eyes off of, but everyone knew that Mr. B didn’t get involved with his students. Something seemed different about him though.

It was at that moment that Mr. B called out to everyone to gather round. He wanted to talk about the holidays and the importance of celebrating what you had achieved that year in your work, not what you hadn’t. If friends and relatives at various gatherings wanted to make less of your accomplishments or question you on your chosen career, to recognize the intention behind the remarks and move on. Reading new scripts, seeing films, going to theater, and rehearing scenes would fortify you by actively staying creative and preparing for the new year. And then he proposed a toast to the joy of creating and splurging on it. A huge cheer rang out as people whistled, shouted, and pounded the floor with their feet.

It had been a great party and Giovanna was thrilled by its success. She and Hugh sat by the fire talking after everyone had left. It felt good to have that time alone and not feel rushed to be somewhere else. Eventually, Giovanna fell asleep in his arms. Half way through a sentence she just went out like a light. He decided to enjoy this moment, and let all other doubts fade away. When he closed his eyes, he remembered a quote he’d read the other day.

“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love…”

Happy holidays! See you in the New Year!

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