The scene Hugh and Giovanna had performed in acting class that night had not gone as Hugh had hoped it would. Driving home, he was quiet as Giovanna spoke enthusiastically about the notes given by Mr. B and how excited she was to try them with Hugh.

G. Darling, you were wonderful in the scene, but the notes were fantastic and will give us some new things to explore in the scene.

H. I don’t think the dancing is right for the scene. It works when Mr. B does it because he’s older and it fits him. I feel like I’m imitating someone when I do it. It doesn’t feel right to me.

G. But let’s try it when we rehearse tomorrow and see what happens. You can be so sexy in this part, Hugh, and you have the magnetism to make the dance sizzle. When the character pulls her in his arms and begins to dance with her, it’s unexpected and it reveals another side of him. You have that side to you too and you can make it work even better than Mr. B.

H. Why can’t I come up with these ideas myself? I feel so limited sometimes. Maybe I should just write. I feel I’m missing something as an actor.

G. You aren’t missing anything! It’s just that you doubt yourself at times and then you feel that you’re not a good actor. You’re a wonderful actor, but doubt is your enemy, all it does is block your talent.

H. How did you get to be so smart? Listen, I want to do the play this fall. I’d like to open in November. We’d need to push the wedding back if we did. How would you feel about that?

G. We’ve already pushed it back to our anniversary in October. And you want to push it back again?

H. No. It’s just that if we’re going to do the play, we have to start rehearsals now and I know if you’re planning a wedding you won’t have time.

G. I start to feel like there will always be another reason to push back the date and I don’t want to do that. If you don’t want to get married and you only asked me out of something that occurred in the moment you need to tell me that.

H. G, I love you and I want to get married but I want to get this play produced, too. My agent feels like this is a very good vehicle for me and the actors in class tonight said they loved the material, so I just want to go with the momentum.

And with that, they pulled into their driveway where a police car was parked. Giovanna screamed when she saw two policeman standing over a lifeless female body lying on the ground in the front yard. It was her sister, Lucia.

Stunned, Hugh sat in the car not believing his eyes. There goes the play, he thought to himself.

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